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The bullets used to kill and maim students at Columbine High School were purchased at K-mart as easily as a pack of gum. Filmmaker, Michael Moore, took two of these students - one paralyzed, in a wheelchair, and one with a bullet still lodged near his heart - to the K-mart headquarters to show them firsthand the effect of their bullets. What was K-mart's reaction? You'll just have to see Michae... posted on Nov 01 2002, 764 reads


In 1957, when economist John Galbraith described the United States as The Affluent Society, the average per-person income, expressed in today's dollars, was 8000. Today, the figure is 16,000. In spite of that doubling in real income, the number telling the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center that they are "very happy" has declined from 35% in 1957 to 30% today.... posted on Oct 31 2002, 1,255 reads


Fewer than 100 people in the world have ever reached the highest peaks of the seven highest mountains. Erik Weihenmayer just joined that elite group. And, incidentally, he’s blind. ... posted on Oct 30 2002, 1,015 reads


The Fair Trade agreement was established to ensure that the vast majority of the world's coffee farmers (who are small holders) get a fair price for their harvests in order to achieve a decent living.... posted on Oct 29 2002, 1,282 reads


... posted on Oct 28 2002, 1,299 reads


... posted on Oct 27 2002, 942 reads


If you found yourself on the early bus in Jackson, Mississippi, you might just be lucky enough to have Sheila O'Flaherty as a fellow passenger. She would look you over, and if you happened to be under age ten, she might fumble in her canvas bag and pull out a library book, and offer to read to you between stops. If this turned out to be your regular route, say, on the way to a public school across... posted on Oct 26 2002, 533 reads


Due to the vast destruction of tropical forests, the remaining shade-grown coffee plantations of Mexico, Central America, Colombia and the Caribbean have become the last safe haven for songbirds, hummingbirds and other native and migratory birds.... posted on Oct 25 2002, 1,279 reads


Rainier Prep is one of a growing number of after school and summer programs that focus on helping minority students reach their full potential. Hard work and support are key.
... posted on Oct 24 2002, 1,210 reads


The Campaign for Courtesy in the United Kingdom launched its national 'Day of Courtesy' on October 4 with the theme that better manners would greatly reduce the cost of the National Health Service. The Campaign is suggesting that people should slow down, try harder to listen to others and relax their faces into a smile.... posted on Oct 23 2002, 1,158 reads


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Barbara Kingsolver

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